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Our Services Through Stifel

Our services cover all areas of financial management, from investment and retirement planning, to risk mitigation strategies and issues surrounding estate planning strategies. We specialize in helping our clients develop a comprehensive, cohesive financial strategy that fits their unique needs and enables them to pursue both short- and long-term goals.

Wealth Planning

Wealth Planning

We understand that you have a unique set of circumstances that shape your financial goals and objectives. Our holistic approach to wealth planning leverages the knowledge and expertise of Stifel’s experienced professionals to address all aspects of your financial situation. The financial planning process provides you the opportunity to assess financial and non-financial assets, saving and investing practices, and the ability of these to meet your stated long-term financial goals.

Banking, Lending, and Trust Services

Banking, Lending, and Trust Services

We take a collaborative approach to lending, cash management, and trust services to complete your full financial picture. Stifel Bank provides access to a variety of lending program to meet your ongoing liquidity needs. Stifel Trust can help pair you with appropriate third-party trustees for your trust accounts as well as assisting in selecting an appropriate advisory strategy for managing trust assets.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Estate planning encompasses more than the distribution of your estate to your heirs. It is a process designed to identify the best way to accumulate, preserve, and pass your wealth by implementing a plan to meet all of your objectives. A carefully prepared estate plan can help you address lifetime management issues and ensure you are financially prepared to meet with an estate planning attorney.

Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

Whether you are early in your career or actively contemplating retirement, a business owner or an individual, it’s never too late to put a plan of action into place. We can help you find the right plan and the right investments to help pursue your retirement goals.

Education Planning Strategies

Education Planning Strategies

We develop strategies for the many ways to save for a child’s education, including college savings plans, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, and UGMA/UTMA Accounts.

Cash Management

Cash Management

We offer a comprehensive suite of cash management services to integrate your day-to-day liquidity needs with your long-term ambitions. While great for the occasional payment, these solutions are also an attractive alternative to a traditional bank.

Investment Banking

Investment Banking

Our investment bank is a leader in the middle market, which gives us a unique perspective on emerging managers on our platform. We also engage with our investment banking group to help evaluate these entrepreneurial companies and participate in offerings when private direct investments are available. If your business is in need of capital to help fuel growth or assistance in realizing shareholder value, Stifel stands ready to provide you with the insight and expertise you require, along with a wide range of investment banking services.